Trinity’s Food Pantry Plus
Located at Trinity Church, the In-House Pantry Ministry has been made possible through the generous support of parishioners of both Trinity Hamburg and St. Mark’s Orchard Park. This ministry was begun with a grant from the WNY Episcopal Diocese.
Boxed and canned food items, paper and other common household products are made available year-round to those in need. In addition, from May to December, we provide fresh fruit, vegetables and eggs to the Western New York food bank satellite locations in North Evans and Angola.
In-House Pantry Hours
Sunday: 9:00am – 11:00am
Monday 10:00am – 12:00pm
Wednesday: 5:00pm – 7:00pm

What we provide:
The In-House Pantry provides not only canned and other nonperishable foods, but essential items not provided by food banks and also cannot be purchased with an EBT card (electronic “food stamps”).
The following non-food items are: toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, coffee filters, soap, body wash, diapers, feminine hygiene products, deodorant, hair-care products, hand lotion, powder, sunscreen, lip balm, dishwashing liquid, tissues, paper towels, napkins, laundry detergent and softener, incontinence supplies, baby wipes, vitamins, cough drops, pet food, household cleaning supplies, cooking utensils, nail care items.
How to Support this Ministry:
Anyone can donate to our In-House Pantry. Monetary donations are appreciated, of course. But if you are putting extra items in your weekly grocery card, you can contact Wendy Ryan who oversees this ministry. She can tell you which specific supplies are running low. You can also check recent postings on our Facebook page listing items that are in low supply.
Contributions to this ministry can be made in a variety of ways:
- mail a check donation to Trinity Hamburg’s In-House Pantry
- bring items or monetary donation before or after Sunday Services
- drop off items during our church office hours
- or reach out to Wendy Ryan directly to make special arrangements outside of office hours
Become a Volunteer:
Another key means of supporting this ministry is by volunteering. Anyone who would like to assist with this ministry can contact our office providing your name and contact information and Wendy can follow-up with the details. An easy way to speak directly with Wendy is during coffee hour following our Sunday Service.
Emergency Needs:
Circumstances can be devastating and arise unexpectedly. When this happens, this ministry can mobilize quickly to provide assistance to families in situations like a house fire or other loss. Contact Trinity office by phone and leave a message or email